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The InfoWorld Programming IQ Test
당신의 프로그래밍 IQ는 몇 점인가여?
As any good software developer will tell you, programming is more than a job. It's a way of life. Top coders practically speak their own language; the trivia floating in their heads would stupefy mere mortals. But then there are the others -- people who claim to make the cut but don't know squat. Sometimes it seems like there's one assigned to every project. Think you can tell who's who? We've compiled 20 questions to separate the script kiddies from the seasoned pros. Answer them if you dare.
-- Neil McAllister
1. What is the relationship between Java and JavaScript?
a. Netscape invented JavaScript as a stripped-down, "lite" version of Java
b. Java borrowed ideas from JavaScript and made it a full-fledged programming language
c. They both originate from the same research at Sun Microsystems
d. There is none; it's all just marketing.
2. Hungarian Notation is a variable-naming convention used by some programmers. How did it get its name?
a. It was called that because of its similarity to Reverse Polish Notation
b. Its inventor was Hungarian
c. When you read it out loud it sounds like you're speaking Hungarian
d. It was invented at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Hungary
3. Just-in-time (JIT) compilation improves the performance of languages that compile into bytecode. Which language featured the first JIT compiler?
a. Java
b. C#
c. Smalltalk
d. Cobol
4. If I told you a key characteristic of my programming language of choice was that it generated threaded code, which language would I most likely be talking about?
a. Pascal
b. Java
c. Forth
d. Python
5. Once very popular and widely used, Pascal spawned a number of derivative languages. Which is NOT a successor to Pascal?
a. Python
b. Ada
c. Oberon
d. Modula-2
6. Your local supermarket is all sold out of energy drinks, Jolt Cola, and Mountain Dew. Which beverage will keep you going, packing the most caffeine and sugar into a 12-ounce can?
a. Sunkist Orange Soda
b. Coca-Cola Classic
c. Pepsi-Cola
d. Dr. Pepper
7. What is the best way to preserve type safety in assembly language?
a. Don't link your modules to modules written in any other language
b. Make sure you declare all your variables' data types ahead of time
c. Don't add variables of one type to variables of another
d. Devout prayer
8. Which of the following is NOT a central tenet of extreme programming?
a. Refactor your code often
b. Throw away obsolete code
c. Debugging is for wimps
d. Communicate often with the customer
9. Why are race conditions a problem in modern software development?
a. Minorities are inadequately represented in programming jobs
b. Developers can't code fast enough to meet ever-changing requirements
c. Software can't keep up with the speed of modern processors
d. Processes that share the same memory can produce unexpected results
10. Why do some consider Ruby to be more "purely" object-oriented than other, more popular OOP languages such as Java and C++?
a. Because Ruby forces object orientation and does not permit procedural or functional style code
b. Because Ruby makes no distinction between objects and primitive types
c. Because Ruby's syntax is similar to that of Perl
d. Because Ruby programmers are full of themselves
11. Failure to validate user input is one of the most common sources of software security vulnerabilities. When is it safe to accept user input without validation?
a. When the application is running behind a firewall
b. Never; any program that accepts input can be exploited
c. When the application is written in Perl using the language's "taint mode"
d. When the user is your own mother
12. Which of the following is the best way to write reusable code that is easier to maintain?
a. Use more global variables
b. Keep variable and function names down to one or two letters
c. Insert comments throughout your source code files
d. Use pointer arithmetic wherever possible
13. Of the following, who is NOT the inventor of a programming language in current use?
a. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
b. Guido van Rossum
c. Niklaus Wirth
d. Bjarne Stroustrup
14. To what concept does "the mythical man-month" refer?
a. The code that would have been written last month if your project was on deadline
b. The amount of code that you can produce in a month on your salary
c. The fallacy that assigning more staff to a programming job will complete it faster
d. The fact that, like Sysiphus pushing the boulder, you can never finish debugging
15. Is P equal to NP?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. I don't know
16. A client has asked you to write some basic accounting software in C. What data type is best for representing figures in dollars and cents?
a. Float
b. Double
c. Integer
d. Boolean
17. For what achievement is Brian Kernighan best known?
a. He was co-creator of the Unix operating system
b. He was co-creator of AWK, a programming language for text processing
c. He was co-creator of the C programming language
d. He was co-inventor of the concept of object-oriented programming
18. A programming language is said to be "Turing complete" if it can be used to implement any conceivable algorithm. Which is NOT a Turing-complete language in its standard form?
a. PostScript
c. C#
d. SQL
19. Which group has had the most impact on modern object-oriented programming practices?
a. The Gang of Four
b. The Party of Five
c. The soft-drink industry
d. AC/DC
20. Which of the following is NOT a data structure used in modern programming practice?
a. Linked list
b. Twisted pair
c. Circular buffer
d. Sparse matrix
출처 : http://www.infoworld.com/tools/quiz/news/2008/programmingiqtest/programming-iq-quiz-1.php?source=NLC-DAILY&cgd=2008-07-28